Visibility in traffic

Visibility in traffic

The days are getting shorter and the nights longer, it’s cold and gray outside. You have made yourself comfortable in front of the fireplace while the bike is already stored in the basement and you drive to work by car. The gray weather takes away the pleasure in cycling anyway….

But that can be changed! With the right aspect of safety and weatherproof clothing, you can get on the saddle even in the cold months, get to know your surroundings in other facets and at the same time countless happiness hormones are released in the morning on the way to work.

However, if you decide to get new clothes and enter the sports shop, you will be almost overwhelmed with the offers. Which model, which material, which color?

Safety on the road is important, regardless of the season. There is no question that clearly visible clothing plays a major role in winter. It should be warm, of course you want to be visible from afar and last but not least, also good-looking. The winner is now certain among the colors: green, green and again green. The color of nature, hope and now visibility in traffic.

Even if you mostly see yellow safety vests on cyclists, the colors white and green have a higher visibility. A person dressed in yellow can be seen at a distance of 37m. A person who is dressed in white at 55m. And the absolute champion among the highly visible colors at 130m. In addition, this not only lets you get safely through the traffic, but also let you dream of the next spring, with the reawakening of flowers and forests. 

But of course it’s not just about color and aesthetics. Due to falling leaves, ice and moisture, cycling can quickly become a real slide. Therefore, it is recommended to cycle carefully and, above all, never without a helmet.

Rainproof jackets and pants, gloves with a good grip, a warming scarf and you’re ready to go.

Some people find it difficult to choose their clothes in front of the closet in the morning. It is advisable to use the well-tried layered look. Several layers of clothing keep you nice and warm on the way to work and can be removed at the workplace. Nevertheless, the sporting aspect of cycling should not be underestimated. It is better to wear a little less, because when you pedal you sweat quickly and it is easier to catch a cold.

So now that there are no lazy excuses: get on your bike and have fun!